Child Protection Policy
Child & Adult Protection Procedures
3.5 Children’s Code of Conduct
New laws came into force in 2003 which require all organisations involved with children to have a Policy and Procedures to protect children from all forms of abuse. Abuse includes emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, discrimination and bullying.
Turnhouse Golf Club Ltd. have now got a Policy and Procedures and have included this Section to help their junior members understand what is expected of those people directly involved in supervising them during their golfing activities. Anyone helping with juniors will have been checked to see if they have any previous history which would make them unsuitable. They will have been trained to guard against situations which might lead to abuse and to spot ‘tell- tail’ signs of abuse whether it has occurred at the golf course or elsewhere. They will also know how to help you if you have a problem which of course will be dealt with confidentially.
Children can help by understanding why certain procedures are recommended and by following some simple rules themselves. The most important issues are –
- Have fun playing golf and ensure it is fun for everyone else by following the rules of etiquette and sporting behaviour spelled out in the very first part of the Rules of Golf.
- Do not use bad language or insulting nick-names or make inappropriate comments or get involved in rough games.
- The above advice should guard against bullying but it is not always easy to know what actions are seen as bullying. A good guide is to treat others in the way you would like them to treat you.
- If you are travelling with an adult who is not a relative the driver will have been advised on where different people should sit. Sit where they ask you to. For the safety of everyone in the vehicle avoid loud or rowdy behaviour which might distract the driver.
- When giving golf lessons the tutor will normally tell you what he would like you to do. He or she may also demonstrate a point by doing it himself/herself or by asking someone with a good technique to demonstrate it. Occasionally there may be an advantage in the tutor using ‘hands on’ methods to, say, adjust your grip or turn your shoulders or hips. If they plan to do this they will tell you what they propose to do, and why, and ask you if this is OK. If you would rather not use ‘hands on’ methods then please say so. The tutor has been taught to expect this on occasions and will accept your decision quietly without drawing attention to it.
- It is a sad fact that some people involved in child abuse cases have been found to have photographs, videos or films of their victims. Our Child & Adult Protection Procedures guard against this and you and your parents will be asked for permission before anyone takes photos etc and before they are made public. Please assist by completing the necessary forms when asked and feel free to say no if you have any concerns. Once again the tutors have been trained in how to deal discretely with a negative decision. Anyone taking photographs will have to get permission from the Club and you should report any unknown suspicious photographers.
- Most Clubs will have their own rules about the use of mobile phones and you are required to follow these. Please check the rules when you are at another Club because they may be different from Turnhouse. Remember that the modern phones that can take photographs will be treated as cameras and should not be used as such, at the club, without permission.
- Our Procedures also help people deal with potential problems during first aid situations. You should advise the Secretary or Child Officer if you have a particular condition which might occasionally require special medical attention. They will inform the people who need to know and it will be dealt with as discretely as you and your parents wish. There are five members of staff trained in first aid and they will be particularly aware of the Child Protection issues. There may however be emergency situations involving any member where ‘hands on’ situations arise. If you have any concerns about how you were dealt with in these circumstances please report them.
Following this Code of Conduct will help to protect all our members. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary procedures having to be applied.